
Last night I said goodbye to many of my Ciorescu friends, and today I said goodbye to my host family and the other volunteers. That sucked.

I was only in Ciorescu for 8 weeks, but I managed to befriend many Moldovans in addition to the other volunteers and last night I discovered made an impact. This is what the Peace Corps is about. My one friend, who I spoke of about how he was speaking negatively, told me last night that he wished that there were more people like me and that there are too many cynics in the world, that he hopes I will succeed in making a difference in Moldova and that he thinks I will, and so on and so on. I seriously almost broke into tears of joy. And I did not do anything special. I just was myself. Positive attitude. Optimist. Idealist. Dreamer. Without trying I’ve gotten him on board. All I had to do was be myself, and be a friend. I hope the rest of my (at least) 2 years is like this.

Attitude is everything. Whatever happens to you, no matter how bad, frustrating, whatever, keep your head high. Our country director said in a recent article to us, “life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it”. I believe that totally. You can’t control what happens, but you can control your reaction. You can control the future, or at a minimum you can put yourself on the path to achieving what you want. To me, that is the most important thing to do in life. Get yourself on the track that will lead you to where you want to go.

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