Hîncești, my home

So I’ve been living here a week and Lindsey (one of my 3 sitemates in the city, and there are 4 more volunteers in the villages of the raion) and I have a favorite bar, restaurant and waitress/bartender. Yesterday she was like “I want to be her friend. Talk to her.” and then asked “do you think she speaks Romanian?” ….yeah, this is who I live with. This is going to be a fun 2 years!

My job so far..well, I’m not going to lie, kind of boring. I don’t like sitting in front of a computer all day and I greatly look forward to working on as many side projects as possible. I already have lots of ideas for things I would like to try to do and take part in. I am ambitious. Friday was great though, the US Ambassador to Moldova came to tour a complex that I am going to be trying to get funding to reconstruct. I love history (what don’t I love? well, other than racism, sexism, homophobia, assholes, greed, conservatives, etc etc) and this was a great chance to actually learn the history of the complex, about the former owner (a famous Armenian trader) and about Hincesti.

I don’t think I shared this, but I applied to be a Peer Supporter for my program and I found out about 10 days ago that my application was chosen as the male ARBD! Pretty much what a Peer Supporter does is to listen to other volunteers when they have problems, typically it will be the volunteers in your program that come to you. Not really in a therapeutic or advice giving role, but more like a very good, non-judgmental friend. I have 3 degrees in listening, I am a great friend (I think so anyway. Never had any complaints…), and I really wanted this position. Is pretty cool that I got it considering there are multiple guys in my program who would also fit the position very well too. As of now, us ARBDs are a pretty tight group. There may be some outliers who may not be as close as the rest of us, but as a whole we are fantastic and I look forward to filling this position.

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